
class ipkiss3.all.VerticalOpticalPort(transformation=None, **kwargs)

Out-of-plane Port in the Optical Domain

Inclination angle should be off-zero.

angle_deg: float, optional

The outward facing angle of the port (in arc degrees).

direction: Enum with value restriction, allowed_values: <enum ‘PORT_DIRECTION’>, optional

direction of the port (PORT_DIRECTION.IN, PORT_DIRECTION.OUT, …)

domain: __Domain__, optional

physical domain of the port (electrical, optical, thermal, …)

layer: __Layer__, optional

layer for drawing the port elements

name: str and String that contains only ISO/IEC 8859-1 (extended ASCII py3) or pure ASCII (py2) characters, optional

name of the port

position: Coord2, optional

Position of the vector (coordinate).

shape: Shape, optional

shape of the port

term: ( Term ), optional, *None allowed*

corresponding term of the port

inclination_deg: float, optional

The outward facing angle of the vector relative to the zenit (in arc degrees).

inclination_rad: optional
angle_rad: optional
transformation: GenericNoDistortTransform, optional