
class ipkiss3.all.FunctionExcitation(*args, **kwargs)

Component that can be placed in a circuit (attached to an existing port) to send a signal into the chip. The signal is a function of time.

The port domain can be either optical (i3.OpticalDomain) or electrical (i3.ElectricalDomain).

See also the tutorial on implementing circuit models in IPKISS.

excitation_function: function, required
port_domain: List with value restriction, allowed values: [OpticalDomain, ElectricalDomain]

Port domain (i3.OpticalDomain/i3.ElectricalDomain)

name: String that contains only ISO/IEC 8859-1 (extended ASCII py3) or pure ASCII (py2) characters

The unique name of the pcell


>>> import ipkiss3.all as i3
>>> def create_on_function(t_start=0, amplitude=1):
>>>     def f_on(t):
>>>         if t >= t_start:
>>>             return amplitude
>>>         else:
>>>             return 0
>>>     return f_on
>>> on_func = create_on_function(t_start=1e-6, amplitude=1e-3)
>>> my_excitation = i3.FunctionExcitation(port_domain=i3.OpticalDomain, excitation_function=on_func)