
i3.IoColumn is used to place components on top of each other and connect them to some input/output (I/O) on the side (typically grating couplers or edge couplers). The adapter decides how devices are routed and which I/O to use. The most frequently used adapter is the IoFibcoup adapter.

After instantiating an i3.IoColumn, use the methods add, add_align, add_blocktitle and so on, to add components to the column. Those methods are documented below.

class ipkiss3.all.IoColumn(*args, **kwargs)

PCell used to place devices or circuits on top of each other and connect them to grating couplers on the side.

adapter: IoBlockAdapter

The Adapter PCell class that will be used to generate the blocks when a component is added to the column.

max_n_o_lines: ( tuple2 and number > 0 ), *None allowed*

Maximum number of lines that this IoColumn may contain. To check whether ‘quota’ has been exceeded, use is_full(). If set to ‘None’, no maximum is set.

blocks: List with type restriction, allowed types: <class ‘ipkiss3.pcell.cell.pcell.PCell’> and Block

The sub-blocks

name: String that contains only ISO/IEC 8859-1 (extended ASCII py3) or pure ASCII (py2) characters

The unique name of the pcell


Layout = <class 'ipkiss3.pcell.blocks.iocolumn.IoColumn.Layout'>
add(contents, absolute_offset=None, relative_offset=None, adapter=None, transformation=None, **adapter_kwargs)

add will take a PCell object contents, and wrap it in the adapter class to create an IoBlock that will then be added to the IoColumn.

contents: PCell object or PCell View object

The PCell object that will be wrapped by the adapter class to create a block

absolute_offset: Coord2, (x,y) tuple or ‘None’

The absolute offset of the contents relative to the x-center of the column, and the y-position on the West side. If None is specified (default), the contents is aligned such that the ports are centered and the first West port is y-aligned with the current West y-position of the column.

relative_offset: Coord2, (x,y) tuple or ‘None’

The relative offset to the position where the contents were placed with absolute_offset.

adapter: PCell class of the type IoBlockAdapter

This class will be used when creating new blocks and takes care of the routing + I/O. The contents will be passed as a parameter to the adapter. If None is specified, the default adapter class of the IoColumn will be used (which is defined in the technology).

transformation: Transformation object

Transformation that will be applied to the contents when it is added to the adapter. By default, it will not be transformed.


All other keyword arguments will be passed on to the adapter when it is created. This includes PCell parameters such as trace_template, but also Layout parameters such as offset. the actual set of parameters depends on the type of adapter.

add_blocktitle(text, center_clearout=(0.0, 0.0), edge_clearout=(0.0, 0.0), process=<Process WG>, purpose=<Purpose DFTXT>, name=None)

Periodically places text using the available space (uses PolygonText).

add_align(west_east_offset=0.0, trace_template=<WireWaveguideTemplate PCellTemplate 'WIRE_WG_TEMPLATE'>, adapter=None)

Adds an alignment waveguide.


Adds spacers at the east side.


Adds spacers at the west side.

add_emptyline(N_lines=(1, 1))

Adds spacers to the west (N_lines[0]) and to the east (N_lines[1]).


Add spacers to ensure that the block is straight.