Running a CAMFR simulation to compute the field profiles

This sample illustrates how to setup a CAMFR simulation and compute the field distributions in your device. The example starts from a layout defined for a custom TECHNOLOGY.


A custom technology is not a requirement for the CAMFR simulator to work.


  1. how to compute the wavelength and polarisation/mode dependent effective index

  2. how to discretize a structure and define the CAMFR input

  3. how to extract the simulated fields

Getting started

We start by importing camfr with other required modules:

import ipkiss3.all as i3
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import camfr

We need to import the Material, MaterialStack, and the corresponding Factories. To define the fabrication processes we need VFabricationProcessFlow, which we specify in the TechnologyTree. For more details on defining a custom technology see also the Technology guide.

from pysics.electromagnetics.material import Material
from pysics.basics.material.material import MaterialFactory
from pysics.basics.material.material_stack import MaterialStack, MaterialStackFactory
from ipkiss.visualisation.display_style import DisplayStyle
from ipkiss.plugins.vfabrication.process_flow import VFabricationProcessFlow
from import TechnologyTree

The Environment object is needed to specify the wavelength of interest.

from pysics.electromagnetics.environment import Environment

from ipkiss.visualisation.color import Color

COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE = Color(name="Lightblue", red=0.78, green=0.84, blue=0.91)
COLOR_LIGHT_RED = Color(name="Lightred", red=0.9, green=0.4, blue=0.4)
COLOR_DARK_BLUE = Color(name="Darkblue", red=0.58, green=0.7, blue=0.91)

Defining the technology Materials and Virtual Fabrication

layer_wg = i3.Layer(0)
layer_rib = i3.Layer(1)
layer_clad = i3.Layer(2)

process_wg = i3.ProcessLayer(name="wg", extension="wg")
process_rib = i3.ProcessLayer(name="rib", extension="rib")

si = Material(name="silicon", display_style=DisplayStyle(color=COLOR_LIGHT_RED), epsilon=3.45**2)
ox = Material(name="oxide", display_style=DisplayStyle(color=COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE), epsilon=1.45**2)
mat_fact = MaterialFactory() = si
mat_fact.ox = ox

i3.TECH.MATERIALS = mat_fact

soi = MaterialStack(
    name="soi", materials_heights=[(ox, 2.0), (si, 0.22), (ox, 2.0)], display_style=DisplayStyle(color=COLOR_LIGHT_RED)
soi_etched = MaterialStack(
    materials_heights=[(ox, 2.0), (si, 0.15), (ox, 0.07), (ox, 2.0)],
allox = MaterialStack(
    name="all oxide",
    materials_heights=[(ox, 2.0), (ox, 0.22), (ox, 2.0)],

matstack_fact = MaterialStackFactory()
matstack_fact.soi = soi
matstack_fact.soi_etched = soi_etched
matstack_fact.allox = allox

Mapping the material stacks

Effective index method in CAMFR

Converting a 2D cross-section of a waveguide into a 1D effective slab

For an arbitrary waveguide cross section we rely on the effective index approach to convert an essentially 2D problem into a 1D by defining an effective slab that is infinite along one direction. Each of the stack (labelled with 1 and 2 in Fig. Converting a 2D cross-section of a waveguide into a 1D effective slab) is converted to an effective material with the new (effective) index of refraction. Additionally, the modes are switched, so TE modes in the original structure become TM modes in CAMFR and the other way round.

To compute the effective indices we invoke i3.device_sim.camfr_compute_stack_neff, which requires an environment to account for the wavelength dispersion of our device and materials, and the name of the mode. This computation has to be performed for each MaterialStack. Instead of providing purely a value for the effective index, we’re providing an effective Material, which leaves an option of creating a model that can depend on environment parameters (for example, a wavelength dependence).

material_stack_to_material_map = dict()
wavelength = 1.55
environment = Environment(wavelength=wavelength)
for _, ms in matstack_fact:
    neff = i3.device_sim.camfr_compute_stack_neff(ms, environment=environment, mode="TE0")
    material_stack_to_material_map[ms] = Material(name="effective_" +, epsilon=neff.real**2)

Furthermore, if we are not satisfied with the computed effective index, we can either limit the domain of the computation by limiting (‘clipping’) our stack, or even overwrite the value. Visual representation of a stack mstack.visualize() might help to choose the limits.


clipped_soi = soi.clip_copy(z_min=0, z_max=2.5)
neff = i3.device_sim.camfr_compute_stack_neff(clipped_soi, environment=environment, mode="TE0")
material_stack_to_material_map[soi] = Material(name="effective_" +, epsilon=neff.real**2)
material_stack_to_material_map[allox] = Material(name="effective_" +, epsilon=1.45**2)
  • soi
  • soi

Defining the layout

Next we define the layout of an MMI

vfab = VFabricationProcessFlow(
    active_processes=[process_wg, process_rib],
    process_layer_map={process_wg: layer_wg, process_rib: layer_rib},
        ((0, 0), allox),
        ((1, 0), soi),
        ((0, 1), soi_etched),
        ((1, 1), soi),
    is_lf_fabrication={process_wg: False, process_rib: False},

i3.TECH.VFABRICATION = TechnologyTree()

mmi = i3.LayoutCell(name="mmi").Layout(
        i3.Line(layer=layer_wg, begin_coord=(0.0, 0.0), end_coord=(10.0, 0.0), line_width=0.5),
        i3.Line(layer=layer_wg, begin_coord=(10.0, 0.0), end_coord=(19.9, 0.0), line_width=2.9),
        i3.Line(layer=layer_wg, begin_coord=(19.9, 0.5 + 0.25), end_coord=(29.9, 0.5 + 0.25), line_width=0.5),
        i3.Line(layer=layer_wg, begin_coord=(19.9, -0.5 - 0.25), end_coord=(29.9, -0.5 - 0.25), line_width=0.5),
        i3.Wedge(layer=layer_rib, begin_coord=(0.0, 0.0), end_coord=(5.0, 0.0), begin_width=0.5, end_width=1.2),
        i3.Line(layer=layer_rib, begin_coord=(5.0, 0.0), end_coord=(24.9, 0.0), line_width=6.0),
            begin_coord=(24.9, 0.5 + 0.25),
            end_coord=(29.9, 0.5 + 0.25),
            begin_coord=(24.9, -0.5 - 0.25),
            end_coord=(29.9, -0.5 - 0.25),
        i3.Line(layer=layer_clad, begin_coord=(0.0, 0.0), end_coord=(29.9, 0.0), line_width=6.0),

which can be visualized,

plot camfr example
<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>

together with the virtually fabricated structure.

<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>

Defining the CAMFR simulation

Setting the CAMFR parameters requires specifying the wavelength,


the number of modes,


and the polarisation of the light. Notice that we specify camfr.TM polarisation because TM in the effective slab is equivalent to TE in the original structure.


Before invoking the actual simulation we have to discretize our structure to provide an input for the camfr.Stack(), which is a CAMFR object that defines the simulation. We have already converted a 2D cross section to 1D by using the effective index method. The discretization is performed to convert a longitudinally varying structure into a set of finite size (effective) slabs,

Discretization of a longitudinally varying structure

Discretization of a longitudinally varying structure

as shown in Fig. Discretization of a longitudinally varying structure. To do so we use the function i3.device_sim.camfr_stack_expr_for_structure, which requires the following parameters:

  • 1 / discretisation_resolution defines what is the minimal change between the widths and lengths of consecutive needed for a new slab to be created.

  • window_size_info is optional serves to limit the computational domain.

  • process_flow and material_stack_factory are also optional and serve to define a custom virtual fabrication.

More importantly, we need to provide the material_stack_to_material_map for every MaterialStack from the TECHNOLOGY that we use. Finally, we can also visualize the discretized structure to be more confident that the discretization is done as requested.

window_si = i3.SizeInfo(west=0.0, east=30.0, south=-2.8, north=2.8)
stack_expr = i3.device_sim.camfr_stack_expr_for_structure(
plot camfr example

Running the CAMFR simulations

Once the structure is discretized and the parameters are set, we can define a camfr.Stack from the set of (effective) slabs that we previously obtained.

camfr_stack = camfr.Stack(stack_expr)

Further, we want to define a input mode at our structure. For example the fundamental mode of our system.

inc = np.zeros(camfr.N())
inc[0] = 1

To invoke the simulation simply run,


from where we can obtain the the input and the output field profiles.

slab_start =
slab_end = camfr_stack.ext()

Visualizing the simulation data


CAMFR uses a different coordinate system compared to Ipkiss (Ipkiss x, y, z -> CAMFR z, 1, 2). The latter is being used in the following figure.

num_points = 501
x_positions = np.linspace(0, window_si.height, num_points)
OH2 = np.zeros(len(x_positions), dtype=np.complex)
OE1 = np.zeros(len(x_positions), dtype=np.complex)

for x_pos, i in zip(x_positions, range(len(x_positions))):
    coord_output = camfr.Coord(x_pos, 0.0, window_si.width)
    field_output = camfr_stack.field(coord_output)
    OH2[i] = field_output.H2()
    OE1[i] = field_output.E1()

shifted_x_position = x_positions + window_si.south

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6.5))
fig.suptitle("CAMFR TM mode field components")
plt.plot(shifted_x_position, OH2.real, "C0", label="real")
plt.plot(shifted_x_position, OH2.imag, "C1", label="imag")
plt.xlabel(r"x ($\mu$m)")

plt.plot(shifted_x_position, OE1.real, "C0", label="real")
plt.plot(shifted_x_position, OE1.imag, "C1", label="imag")
plt.xlabel(r"x ($\mu$m)")

plt.plot(shifted_x_position, abs(OH2), "C2", label="abs")
plt.xlabel(r"x ($\mu$m)")

plt.plot(shifted_x_position, abs(OE1), "C2", label="abs")
plt.xlabel(r"x ($\mu$m)")
CAMFR TM mode field components