
class ipkiss3.all.Circuit(*args, **kwargs)

A PCell which derives its layout, netlist and model from a set of specifications in order to create a circuit.

  • Pre-defined instances of which the circuit is composed are specified as a dictionary insts. (This excludes connecting waveguides generated on the basis of the routing specifications).

  • Placement and routing is done with i3.place_and_route using a combination of place_specs and route_specs (specifications as in Placement and Routing Reference).

  • Ports are exposed using i3.expose_ports using port_specs

  • The netlist and circuit model views are derived from the layout using netlist extraction.

Create a single design by instantiating i3.Circuit directly, or create a parametric circuit by inheriting from it.

exposed_ports: ( dict ), *None allowed*

Ports to be exposed, mapping {‘instance_name:port_name’: external_port_name’} map for i3.expose_ports().Set to None (default) to expose all unconnected ports

insts: OrderedDict and key: str, value: PCell, _View

Instances of child cells which this circuit is composed of: {‘instance_name’: cell, …} where cell is an i3.PCell object.

specs: list

Placement and routing specifications

strict: ( bool, bool_, bool or int )

If True, any error will raise an exception and stop the program flow. If False, any routing error will give a warning and draw a straight line on an error layer. See i3.ConnectLogical for more information.

name: String that contains only ISO/IEC 8859-1 (extended ASCII py3) or pure ASCII (py2) characters

The unique name of the pcell


The insts property of Circuit contains the instances specified by the user, while the instances property of the Layout view contains the full set of instances including connecting waveguides.


The following 2 are equivalent:

class MyCircuit(i3.Circuit):
    def _default_insts(self):
        return my_instances
    def _default_specs(self):
        return my_specs
    def _default_exposed_ports(self):
        return my_exposed_ports

class MyCircuit(i3.PCell)
    class Layout(i3.LayoutView):
        def _generate_instances(self, insts):
            insts += i3.place_and_route(my_instances, specs)
            return insts
        def _generate_ports(self, ports):
            ports += i3.expose_ports(self.instances, my_exposed_ports)
            return ports

    class Netlist(i3.NetlistFromLayout):

    class CircuitModel(i3.CircuitModelView):
        def _generate_model(self):
            return HierarchicalModel.from_netlistview(self.netlist_view)

Circuit provides a convenient standardized workflow for creating specification-based layout-driven circuits. When more flexibility is needed, inherit from i3.PCell instead. Changing from i3.Circuit to i3.PCell is done as in the example above.


from technologies import silicon_photonics  # noqa: F401
import ipkiss3.all as i3
from picazzo3.traces.wire_wg import WireWaveguideTemplate
from picazzo3.fibcoup.curved import FiberCouplerCurvedGrating
from picazzo3.filters.ring import RingRect180DropFilter
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt

# waveguide template
waveguide_template = WireWaveguideTemplate()
waveguide_template.Layout(core_width=0.5, cladding_width=5.5)
waveguide_template.CircuitModel(n_eff=2.4, n_g=4.2)

# instances
fibcoup = FiberCouplerCurvedGrating(start_trace_template=waveguide_template)

coupler_parameters = dict(
    cross_coupling1=1j * 0.0784**0.5, straight_coupling1=0.9216**0.5, reflection_in1=1j * 0.030

ring = RingRect180DropFilter(
    ring_trace_template=waveguide_template, coupler_trace_templates=[waveguide_template, waveguide_template]
ring.Layout(bend_radius=10.0, straights=[3.0, 0.0], coupler_spacings=[0.8, 0.8])
ring.CircuitModel(coupler_parameters=[coupler_parameters, coupler_parameters])

fc_spacing = 200.0

ring_test_site = i3.Circuit(
    insts={"fc_in": fibcoup, "ring": ring, "fc_out": fibcoup, "fc_drop": fibcoup},
        i3.Place("fc_in:vertical_in", (0.0, 0.0)),
        i3.Place("fc_out:vertical_in", (fc_spacing, 0.0)),
        i3.Place("fc_drop:vertical_in", (fc_spacing, 30.0)),
        i3.Place("ring", (0.5 * fc_spacing, -15.0)),
        i3.ConnectBend([("fc_in:out", "ring:in1"), ("fc_out:out", "ring:out1")], bend_radius=10),
        i3.ConnectManhattan("fc_drop:out", "ring:out2", bend_radius=10),
        "fc_in:vertical_in": "in",
        "fc_out:vertical_in": "out",
        "fc_drop:vertical_in": "drop",
        "ring:in2": "add",

ring_test_layout = ring_test_site.Layout()

sim_wavelengths = np.linspace(1.53, 1.57, 500)
ring_test_cm = ring_test_site.CircuitModel()

ring_test_S = ring_test_cm.get_smatrix(sim_wavelengths)
plt.title("ring transmission")
plt.xlabel("wavelength [um]")
plt.ylabel("transmission [dB]")
    sim_wavelengths, 10 * np.log10(np.abs(ring_test_S["out", "in"]) ** 2), "o-", label="transmission to out"
    sim_wavelengths, 10 * np.log10(np.abs(ring_test_S["drop", "in"]) ** 2), "o-", label="transmission to drop"
plt.plot(sim_wavelengths, 10 * np.log10(np.abs(ring_test_S["in", "in"]) ** 2), "o-", label="reflection to in")
from technologies import silicon_photonics  # noqa: F401
import ipkiss3.all as i3
from picazzo3.traces.wire_wg import WireWaveguideTemplate
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from picazzo3.wg.splitters import WgYSplitter, WgYCombiner

# waveguide templates for MZI arms
wg_t_arm1 = WireWaveguideTemplate()
wg_t_arm1.Layout(core_width=1.0, cladding_width=5.5)
wg_t_arm1.CircuitModel(n_eff=3.2, n_g=3.9)

wg_t_arm2 = WireWaveguideTemplate()
wg_t_arm2.Layout(core_width=0.5, cladding_width=5.5)
wg_t_arm2.CircuitModel(n_eff=2.4, n_g=4.15)

mzi = i3.Circuit(
    insts={"splitter": WgYSplitter(), "combiner": WgYCombiner()},
        i3.Place("splitter", (0, 0)),
        i3.PlaceRelative("combiner", "splitter", (50, 0)),
        i3.ConnectManhattan("splitter:arm1", "combiner:arm1", "arm1", trace_template=wg_t_arm1),
        i3.ConnectManhattan("splitter:arm2", "combiner:arm2", "arm2", trace_template=wg_t_arm2),
        "splitter:center": "in",
        "combiner:center": "out",

mzi_layout = mzi.Layout()
sim_wavelengths = np.linspace(1.0, 1.5, 500)
mzi_cm = mzi.CircuitModel()

mzi_test_S = mzi_cm.get_smatrix(sim_wavelengths)
plt.title("MZI transmission")
plt.xlabel("wavelength [um]")
plt.ylabel("transmission [dB]")
    sim_wavelengths, 10 * np.log10(np.abs(mzi_test_S["out", "in"]) ** 2), "o-", label="transmission in -> out"
from technologies import silicon_photonics  # noqa: F401
from ipkiss3 import all as i3

from picazzo3.fibcoup.curved import FiberCouplerCurvedGrating
from picazzo3.filters.mmi.cell import MMI1x2Tapered
from picazzo3.traces.wire_wg.trace import WireWaveguideTemplate

# Create the template for the MMI
mmi_trace_template = WireWaveguideTemplate()
mmi_trace_template.Layout(core_width=5.0, cladding_width=10.0)

mmi_access_template = WireWaveguideTemplate()
mmi_access_template.Layout(core_width=1.0, cladding_width=5.0)

mmi = MMI1x2Tapered(
mmi.Layout(transition_length=10.0, length=20.0, trace_spacing=2.0)

# Create the template for the grating couplers
end_wg_tmpl = WireWaveguideTemplate()
end_wg_tmpl.Layout(core_width=10.0, cladding_width=2 * i3.TECH.WG.TRENCH_WIDTH + 10.0)

coupler = FiberCouplerCurvedGrating(
    start_trace_template=i3.TECH.PCELLS.WG.DEFAULT, wide_trace_template=end_wg_tmpl
coupler.Layout(period_x=1.0, focal_distance_x=20.0)

# Place and route the MMI and grating couplers
circuit = i3.Circuit(
    insts={"coupler_in": coupler, "coupler_out1": coupler, "coupler_out2": coupler, "mmi": mmi},
        i3.Place("mmi", (0, 0)),
        i3.PlaceRelative("coupler_in", "mmi", (-50, 0)),
        i3.PlaceRelative("coupler_out1:out", "mmi:out1", (40, -40)),
        # Place ports too close together for bend_radius=20:
        i3.PlaceRelative("coupler_out2:out", "mmi:out2", (30, 40)),
        i3.FlipH(["coupler_out1", "coupler_out2"]),
            [("coupler_in:out", "mmi:in"), ("mmi:out1", "coupler_out1:out"), ("mmi:out2", "coupler_out2:out")],
    strict=False,  # Will draw a straight line on an error layer
lv = circuit.get_default_view(i3.LayoutView)

i3.place_and_route and i3.Circuit can be used to place and route electrical components as well.:

def __example4(self):
    """An important requirement when using i3.Circuit and i3.place_and_route is that the
    ports should have an angle.
    For optical ports, this will always be the case. For electrical ports, however,
    the port is not always specified.

    In this example, we'll extend ElectricalWire and Picazzo's PhaseModulator to specify the
    angles on its electrical ports.

    from technologies import silicon_photonics  # noqa: F401
    import ipkiss3.all as i3
    from picazzo3.modulators.phase import PhaseModulator as _PhaseModulator

    class ElectricalWire(i3.ElectricalWire):
        class Layout(i3.ElectricalWire.Layout):
            def _generate_ports(self, ports):
                ports = super(ElectricalWire.Layout, self)._generate_ports(ports)
                angles = self.shape.angles_deg()
                in_angle, out_angle = angles[0] + 180, angles[-1]
                ports["in"].angle = in_angle
                ports["out"].angle = out_angle
                return ports

    class PhaseModulator(_PhaseModulator):
        class Layout(_PhaseModulator.Layout):
            def _generate_ports(self, ports):
                ports = super(PhaseModulator.Layout, self)._generate_ports(ports)
                ports["electrical0"].angle = 90
                ports["electrical1"].angle = -90
                return ports

    wire = ElectricalWire()
    phmod = PhaseModulator()

    circuit = i3.Circuit(
        insts={"wire": wire, "modulator": phmod},
            i3.Place("modulator:out", (0, 0)),
            i3.Place("wire:in", (0, 30)),
            i3.ConnectManhattan("modulator:electrical0", "wire:in"),
            "wire:out": "out0",
            "modulator:out": "out1",
            "modulator:in": "out1",

    lay = circuit.Layout()


Layout = <class 'ipkiss3.pcell.circuit.Circuit.Layout'>