
class ip_manager.testing.SMatrixTester(smatrix, central_wl=1.55, print_peaks=True)

Tools for conveniently testing an S-matrix as part of regression tests.

Is initialized with an ipkiss3.all.circuit_sim.SMatrix1DSweep object, as returned by get_smatrix(wavelengths) on a CircuitModelView.

After initialization, the methods can be used to test properties of the S-matrix.


from ip_manager.testing import SMatrixTester

def test_mycomponent_smatrix():
    my_cell = MyComponent()
    circuitmodel = my_cell.CircuitModel()
    wavelengths=np.linspace(1.26, 1.36, 101)
    S = circuitmodel.get_smatrix(wavelengths=wavelengths)

    tester = SMatrixTester(S, central_wl=1.31, print_peaks=True)
    assert tester.is_passive()
    # select transmission from port in mode 0 to port out mode 1 for analysis
    tester.select_ports("out:1", "in:0")
    tester.fsr_isclose(0.01)  # FSR should be close to 10nm
    tester.il_isclose(1.2)  # IL should be close to 1.2dB

Wavelength array [um] used by the S-model.


S-matrix calculated by the circuit model.


Whether to print peak info when selecting a link.


Returns whether the S-matrix is reciprocal (i.e. symmetric) for almost all calculated wavelengths.

This test is top-level only.


Returns whether the S-matrix is passive for almost all calculated wavelengths.

This test is top-level only.


Returns whether the S-matrix is lossless (i.e. unitary) for almost all calculated wavelengths.

select_ports(term_from, term_to)

Specifies a term link for future peak tests.

It is recommended that you always call this function after initalisation.


Returns the linearly interpolated power (magnitude squared) at the given wavelength.


Returns the linearly interpolated power (magnitude squared) [dB] at the given wavelength.


Returns the linearly interpolated complex angle [rad] at the given wavelength.

has_peak_at(centre=1.55, rtol_centre=0.001, test_fwhm=True, fwhm=0.005, rtol_fwhm=0.1)

Returns whether the S-matrix has a peak (positive or negative) at approximately the given wavelength, with approximately the given Full Width Half Maximum or Minimum.

The rtol_centre and rtol_fwhm arguments specify how much relative deviation is allowed, e.g. 0.1 means a maximum of 10%. To discard the FWHM test, supply ‘test_fwhm=False’.

fsr_isclose(desired, rtol=0.01)

Returns whether the free spectral range [um] around central_wl is close to the given value, with the specified tolerance.

rtol: how much relative deviation is allowed, e.g. 0.01 means a maximum of 1%.

il_isclose(desired, rtol=0.001)

Returns whether the insertion loss [dB] at central_wl is close to the given value, with the specified tolerance. rtol: how much relative deviation is allowed, e.g. 0.001 means a maximum of 0.1%.